Freelancer time management

Freelance Productivity Unlocked: A Professorial Investigation into Freelancer Time Management and Tracking

4 mins read
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The orchestration of time becomes an art form critical to success in the dynamic domain of freelancing, where autonomy meets responsibility. Join me on an instructive voyage into the complex realm of freelance time management, decorated with the refinement of a seasoned marketing master.

Time is the conductor in the big symphony of freelancing, and freelancers are the virtuosos. A masterpiece takes more than just skill; it necessitates time management accuracy. Freelancers, like masters in their trade, must balance a plethora of duties, deadlines, and personal obligations.

Why should you choose us for track your Freelancers?

Key benefits for

CEO Head of Operations Other specialists Project Management department

The filters inside a client account allow your clients to observe how much time is spent on each task and a project in general. They are able to see whether a team is within the budget or not.


Your clients are able to have their own accounts with the data of the tracked time for their projects. It increases the trust and transparency in your relationships


Our software allows to bind a task to a Jira project without adding a necessary specialist to your Jira or other internal spaces. And your client is able to see the specialist, his or her time and pay for it. Simultaneously you check the hours and can pay for outstaff or freelance services according to the tracked time


The tracker has a functional employee dashboard where an employee is able to see tasks from Jira, create their own project and tasks and receive them from the admin of your organization


AStime displays the time data for each employee according to a project, and you can immediately see what employee works within an estimation and what no. It gives you data that can be used in different ways, work with processes, check a team performing index and take part in salary questions discussion.


As a responsible person you can connect a necessary project, people with the necessary client. The time will go to the client's account


We have the functionality to turn on/off checkboxes of the tasks we need to bill. If a developer was slow, we can turn off some tasks to keep the trust for a client and not send an invoice for more work than was expected


Due to transparent filters inside a client account each client sees the time data of the necessary project and tasks for each allocated specialist, the client can make planning and see where each penny goes. This transparency creates a good climate for bills sending and makes relationships warmer for upselling and other profitable doings.


Here just need to use the filters and that's it. All the tasks for a particular employee are visible, you can review it and make conclusions


The tracker allows to choose a necessary project and see each employee assigned and a whole statistic for the project


In your admin account, you have the functionality to quickly add clients in two clicks and connect each client with the necessary projects. If there are several stakeholders that want to see the tracked data, it's okay, you can add all of them easily. It saves your time for management, reports, planning, etc.


AStime allows seeing the statuses for each project and each employee assigned. Just use the necessary filters to check all of this information


AStime extracts a necessary project from Jira into his interface including all tasks, assignee and their descriptions. When inside an extracted Jira project appears a new task, the tracker knows it and uploads the new tasks to the necessary project. It helps to monitor the terms and execution of each uploaded project.


Enter the freelancer time tracker, a virtuoso’s baton for directing effective cadence motions. This smart instrument is more than just a timekeeper; it is the silent partner who balances work and relaxation. It encompasses the core of freelance time management, combining structure and flexibility in a smooth manner.

What features AStime has for track freelancers’ time?

User roles

Business Manager Client Employee Project Manager

As a responsible person you can connect a necessary project, people with the necessary client. The time will go to the client's account


We have the functionality to turn on/off checkboxes of the tasks we need to bill. If a developer was slow, we can turn off some tasks to keep the trust for a client and not send an invoice for more work than was expected


Due to transparent filters inside a client account each client sees the time data of the necessary project and tasks for each allocated specialist, the client can make planning and see where each penny goes. This transparency creates a good climate for bills sending and makes relationships warmer for upselling and other profitable doings.


The filters inside a client account allow your clients to observe how much time is spent on each task and a project in general. They are able to see whether a team is within the budget or not.


Your clients are able to have their own accounts with the data of the tracked time for their projects. It increases the trust and transparency in your relationships


The tracker has a functional employee dashboard where an employee is able to see tasks from Jira, create their own project and tasks and receive them from the admin of your organization


AStime displays the time data for each employee according to a project, and you can immediately see what employee works within an estimation and what no. It gives you data that can be used in different ways, work with processes, check a team performing index and take part in salary questions discussion.


Here just need to use the filters and that's it. All the tasks for a particular employee are visible, you can review it and make conclusions


The tracker allows to choose a necessary project and see each employee assigned and a whole statistic for the project


In your admin account, you have the functionality to quickly add clients in two clicks and connect each client with the necessary projects. If there are several stakeholders that want to see the tracked data, it's okay, you can add all of them easily. It saves your time for management, reports, planning, etc.

To check all features, please click HERE

The Choreography of Freelancer Time Management

Freelance time management is a dance, an intricate choreography where each move counts. With the right rhythm, freelancers can transform their work hours into a graceful performance. The freelance time tracker acts as the choreographer, ensuring that every task aligns with the beat of productivity.

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Navigating the Tempo: Strategies for Freelancer Time Management

Task Prioritization Tango: Freelancers are forced to interact with dozens of tasks that they have to evaluate, prioritize, and complete as demands from the client change. In good management practice, such things are handled by qualified managers; freelancers have to do this invisible work themselves. In order to minimize the number of tasks you need to keep in your head, you need a high-quality tracker.

Freelancer Juggling Act: Multitasking becomes another problem. A freelancer cannot concentrate all his working time on performing direct work tasks – writing code, retouching, or drawing up contracts. A significant part of my working time is spent searching for clients, communicating with them, updating my resume or portfolio, and studying freelance platforms. Often this work is not accounted for correctly and does not give a correct idea of the actual availability of free time for immediate work tasks. It is a good practice to record tasks that are not billable also in the time tracker and account for them separately. This will allow you to distribute your working time and not miss deadlines.

Freelancer Time Management: The Art of Synchronization

Freelancers have to learn the art of synchronizing their projects and activities. There are different methods for this. For example, you can book certain hours for certain projects or tasks of a certain kind. Others prefer a Gantt chart system with set deadlines. For some groups of freelancers, in particular developers, a clear breakdown of tasks is important, which can be clearly presented to the client and not lose their money. All these issues can be resolved using a convenient time tracking software.

Freelance Time Tracker: Empowering the Individual Composer

We’ve said a lot about the difficulties of freelancers. However, it is worth paying attention to the advantages of this type of work. Firstly, organizing work independently and searching for clients is an additional burden and a significant risk, but on the other hand, this allows you to gain experience in management and, if we are talking about development, a product owner. This gives a big plus to your subsequent career. Also, a significant advantage is your own planning of working time, which is especially important if there is a need, for example, to send children to kindergarten or there is a need for an atypical work schedule. As time trackers improve, scheduling tasks takes less and less time from a freelancer and makes the organization of his work processes more perfect.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, fellow freelancers, embrace the rhythm of freelance time management, and let the freelance time tracker be your trusted помощником in this melodic journey. May your freelance endeavors be a harmonious masterpiece, conducted by the precise baton of time management virtuosity.

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