Employee time tracking app

All developer activities are based on time logging. When working under the Time and Material model, the customer pays directly for the hours worked, which means that the system for recording the time spent writing code must be clear and transparent.

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ASTime Tracker: Optimising Software Development for Effective Time Management With ASTime Tracker, a brand-new application made to increase coding efficiency, programmers, project managers, and non-IT specialists can discover the advantages of time monitoring. Find out how software development planning, budgeting, and general efficiency may all be enhanced by keeping employee time keeping app. Project success in the fast-paced world of software development depends on effective time management. This article explores the value of monitoring working hours and presents ASTime Tracker, a dedicated time-keeping app for employees.

The Importance of Time Logging for Developers

All developer activities are based on time logging. When working under the Time and Material model, the customer pays directly for the hours worked, which means that the system for recording the time spent writing code must be clear and transparent. If the development is carried out according to the fixed price system, the timesheet for software development is still used, since based on the employee time tracker app, planning is carried out and the timeliness of completing work tasks is monitored.

Why should you choose us?

Key benefits for

CEO Head of Operations Other specialists Project Management department

The filters inside a client account allow your clients to observe how much time is spent on each task and a project in general. They are able to see whether a team is within the budget or not.


Your clients are able to have their own accounts with the data of the tracked time for their projects. It increases the trust and transparency in your relationships


Our software allows to bind a task to a Jira project without adding a necessary specialist to your Jira or other internal spaces. And your client is able to see the specialist, his or her time and pay for it. Simultaneously you check the hours and can pay for outstaff or freelance services according to the tracked time


The tracker has a functional employee dashboard where an employee is able to see tasks from Jira, create their own project and tasks and receive them from the admin of your organization


AStime displays the time data for each employee according to a project, and you can immediately see what employee works within an estimation and what no. It gives you data that can be used in different ways, work with processes, check a team performing index and take part in salary questions discussion.


As a responsible person you can connect a necessary project, people with the necessary client. The time will go to the client's account


We have the functionality to turn on/off checkboxes of the tasks we need to bill. If a developer was slow, we can turn off some tasks to keep the trust for a client and not send an invoice for more work than was expected


Due to transparent filters inside a client account each client sees the time data of the necessary project and tasks for each allocated specialist, the client can make planning and see where each penny goes. This transparency creates a good climate for bills sending and makes relationships warmer for upselling and other profitable doings.


Here just need to use the filters and that's it. All the tasks for a particular employee are visible, you can review it and make conclusions


The tracker allows to choose a necessary project and see each employee assigned and a whole statistic for the project


In your admin account, you have the functionality to quickly add clients in two clicks and connect each client with the necessary projects. If there are several stakeholders that want to see the tracked data, it's okay, you can add all of them easily. It saves your time for management, reports, planning, etc.


AStime allows seeing the statuses for each project and each employee assigned. Just use the necessary filters to check all of this information


AStime extracts a necessary project from Jira into his interface including all tasks, assignee and their descriptions. When inside an extracted Jira project appears a new task, the tracker knows it and uploads the new tasks to the necessary project. It helps to monitor the terms and execution of each uploaded project.


Benefits of Time Monitoring

More efficient operation:

 Developers often resist time logging because they see it as additional control, micromanagement, and the need to account for work steps such as studying documentation or thinking about a solution, despite the fact that they are not directly busy writing code at that moment. However, with proper and professional use of the tracker, instead of the listed problems, on the contrary, advantages appear, such as:

– A clear understanding of how much time an employee spends on what tasks on average, and, therefore, the ability to set more realistic goals and achieve them;

– In addition to time tracking coding, use developer tracking software to take into account other tasks, thus gaining an understanding of which tasks are spending the most time on, and possibly optimizing them;

– At any point in time, understand whether we are going beyond estimation in a given task.

What features AStime?

User roles

Business Manager Client Employee Project Manager

As a responsible person you can connect a necessary project, people with the necessary client. The time will go to the client's account


We have the functionality to turn on/off checkboxes of the tasks we need to bill. If a developer was slow, we can turn off some tasks to keep the trust for a client and not send an invoice for more work than was expected


Due to transparent filters inside a client account each client sees the time data of the necessary project and tasks for each allocated specialist, the client can make planning and see where each penny goes. This transparency creates a good climate for bills sending and makes relationships warmer for upselling and other profitable doings.


The filters inside a client account allow your clients to observe how much time is spent on each task and a project in general. They are able to see whether a team is within the budget or not.


Your clients are able to have their own accounts with the data of the tracked time for their projects. It increases the trust and transparency in your relationships


The tracker has a functional employee dashboard where an employee is able to see tasks from Jira, create their own project and tasks and receive them from the admin of your organization


AStime displays the time data for each employee according to a project, and you can immediately see what employee works within an estimation and what no. It gives you data that can be used in different ways, work with processes, check a team performing index and take part in salary questions discussion.


Here just need to use the filters and that's it. All the tasks for a particular employee are visible, you can review it and make conclusions


The tracker allows to choose a necessary project and see each employee assigned and a whole statistic for the project


In your admin account, you have the functionality to quickly add clients in two clicks and connect each client with the necessary projects. If there are several stakeholders that want to see the tracked data, it's okay, you can add all of them easily. It saves your time for management, reports, planning, etc.

To check all features, please click HERE

Project Planning:

 Project planning consists of prioritizing tasks, estimating tasks, and allocating resources. Thus, with the help of time tracking for developers, you can get the dates on which each task should be delivered and observe daily progress and compliance with these plans. There is an opinion that developer tracking software does not help achieve these goals, and only increases the time that developers spend, however, this is not true. To do this, in order for project planning using time keeping app for employees to be carried out effectively, you need to follow a few simple rules:
– carry out sprint and release planning with the acceptance of tasks by developers so that time is spent directly on development, and not on clarifying the task

– no need to require track coding time for short activities that take 5-15 minutes – this is tiring- track coding time is required daily

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  Budget Optimization:

  Understanding the amount of time that has already been spent, combined with an accurate understanding of how to track employee time, allows you not only to effectively control the budget, but also to optimize it, distributing it primarily to important tasks.

ASTime Tracker: A Developer’s Best Companion:

Programming Tracker

ASTime Tracker is a convenient solution for tracking various types of tasks and planning your time, dividing the best app for employee time tracking between different projects.

Why Choose ASTime Tracker:

  User-Friendly Interface:

ASTime Tracker is convenient because it is easy to use and does not contain unnecessary elements. Also, ASTime Tracker shows the time logged each day and the time spent on each task. The developer can enter time manually or using a button that can be pressed when starting a task and when finishing work, which will allow the work time to be remembered. The developer can always see the total amount of logged time and the time spent on each task, so the time management process is simple and transparent.

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How ASTime Tracker Works:

ASTime Tracker is extremely easy to use kind of best time keeping app for employees. A team member with an admin function invites a developer to the project and assigns tasks to him. After this, the developer selects the task he is currently working on and turns on the tracker. The tracker works in real time, but does not require screenshots and does not have access to personal computer data, which developers usually do not like. So, you will nor have problems with how to track employees time.


In conclusion, implementing time tracking in software development is one of the most important components of development. Choosing the right tool helps you organize your work, set up reporting, time tracking for coding, and plan your budget.

ASTime Tracker is a software development time tracker for solving this kind of problem.

For more insights into the world of efficient software development, explore our article on Neighboring Text and visit our Main Page for additional resources.